hydro_pro_ensemencement-Bofu Agence Marketing

Case study


Comprehensive lead generation marketing strategy for turnkey project and hydroseeding services. Double your turnover annually for 5 years!

Initiatives and results

Evolution of growth

Start of an SEM acquisition campaign

This client started with us with a simple Google Ads acquisition campaign (formerly Adwords) to obtain new prospects on a low budget. The client having immediately seen an impact, he decided to grow his business.

SEO mandate April 2019 - December 2023

top 3 to 5 on all primary keywords in the business region

4% conversion (form goals, phone calls and HubSpot or Messenger online chats) for acquisition made by SEO!

We observe 3500+ leads followed (aware that we can't track everything!)

SEO acquisition grew more aggressively between 2019 and 2020, but is still stable and increasing by 30-40% per year despite the company's entry into the primary market of a provincial competitor.

An ROI of 25X for 5 years

SEM acquisition - Google Ads

Thanks to a keyword acquisition strategy combined with a display banner strategy (cold acquisition and retargeting of website audiences), our client was able to maintain a very low cost per conversion from the very beginning. Thanks to our feedback with the client, we are able to adjust campaigns according to the week and schedule in season.

HubSpot CRM, Service, Sales and Marketing

Structuring the sales and business development process

Before hiring a person who can administer the process, it was necessary to define it and structure it in stages. The ultimate goal is to automate as much as possible with the volume increasing over time in order to be able to have one person doing the work of 2 without any more effort!




I have had my best season in the company's history year after year for 5 years now! I sold my snow removal business and thanks to Bofu's marketing know-how, I can focus on my specialty: hydroseeding and landscaping. Thanks guys!

Pierre-Luc Beaulne, President at Hydro-Pro Seeding

all our digital marketing services


- Service or eCommerce website design
- Brand image
- Videos
- Pictures
- Writing
- Public relations
- Data tracking tools
- Organic social media strategy
- Corporate clothing


-Google Ads
- Facebook & Instagram Ads
- Linkedin Ads
- Amazon Marketing
- Affiliate Marketing
- Ambassador programs
- Loyalty programs


- HubSpot CRM
- HubSpot Marketing
- HubSpot Sales
- HubSpot Service
- HubSpot Operations
- Smart Forms
- Online chat tool
- Automation & integration
- Hubspot Resources
- Interactive tools
- Data dashboards
- Automated emails (Klaviyo, mailchimp)