Projet de Loi C-59 - Lutte contre l’écoblanchiment

Bill C-59 - Fight against greenwashing

The imminent adoption of Bill C-59 marks a major turning point for businesses in Canada in 2024. This new legislation, intended to combat greenwashing, aims to reform the Competition Act by imposin...
Les Éléments du Marketing Traditionnel à ne pas Oublier Une Refonte de Marque Intégrale - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

The Elements of Traditional Marketing Not to Forget A Complete Brand Redesign

In a world where marketing is constantly evolving, some traditional practices remain crucial to a brand's success. Brand redesign is not limited to a new logo or a new graphic charter; it also inc...
Refonte de Marque et Emballage de Produit: Une Synergie Essentielle - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Brand Redesign and Product Packaging: An Essential Synergy

In the competitive world of business, rebranding is not just about aesthetics, but also a strategic tool to stay relevant. A crucial aspect of this transformation is product packaging design. Th...
Refonte de Marque et Marketing par Courriel - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Rebranding and Email Marketing

When a business decides to undertake a rebrand, it is essential to consider the impact on all communication channels, including email marketing. This transition may seem tricky, but it also prov...
Refonte de l'image de marque et Stratégies Publicitaires - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Redesign of the brand image and advertising strategies

Rebranding is a crucial step for any business looking to evolve, stay relevant in the market, or strengthen its brand image. However, this transformation goes beyond just changing the logo and v...
La Refonte de Marque et les Médias Sociaux: Une Transformation Digitale Essentielle - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Brand Redesign and Social Media: An Essential Digital Transformation

Rebranding is a crucial step for any business looking to stay relevant and competitive in the market. It goes well beyond just updating the logo and colors; it also affects how a business commun...
L'Art de la Refonte de Site Web : Impact SEO et Alignement avec Votre Marque - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

The Art of Website Redesign: SEO Impact and Alignment with Your Brand

Redesigning a website is a crucial step for any business looking to evolve, adapt to new market trends or strengthen its brand image. At Bofu, we understand that performance and efficiency are e...
Image de marque: Guide ultime pour une refonte de votre marque - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Branding: Ultimate Guide to Redesigning Your Brand

When and Why Consider a Brand Redesign? The decision to conduct a brand overhaul is an important step for any business. In this chapter, we'll take a detailed look at the signals that indicate ...
Comment Reussir une Refonte d'Image de Marque dans un Secteur Concurrentiel - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

How to Succeed in a Brand Image Overhaul in a Competitive Sector

Fierce competition in the business world means that companies must constantly innovate to stay relevant. A brand overhaul can be the key to standing out, but how do you succeed in a competitive ...

What's new at Bofu?


Bofu Agence Marketing

We are Winner of the “Strategic Employer” award at the 2024 Zenith Gala!

We are proud and honored to announce that Bofu Agence Marketing was recently crowned Winner of the “ Strategic Employer: Diversity – Retention – Attraction” award at the prestigious Zenith 2024 Gal...
Les Éditions Cardinal choisissent Bofu comme collaborateur marketing

Éditions Cardinal chooses Bofu as marketing collaborator

We are proud to announce our new collaboration with Les Éditions Cardinal, a large company rich in local culture! This union aims to strengthen and diversify Éditions Cardinal's online presence...
L'Engagement de BOFU à faire sa Part: Certification carboneutre Or + engagement avec Carbone boréal et Shopify Planet - Bofu Agence Marketing Web

BOFU's Commitment to Do Its Part: Gold carbon neutral certification + commitment with Carbone boréal and Shopify Planet

We are excited to share our recent carbon neutral Gold certification from LCL Environnement and our participation in the Carbone boréal and Shopify Planet projects. These initiatives reflect our c...