TikTok et SEO - Bofu Agence Marketing Web

TikTok and SEO

When you create content on TikTok do you think about SEO? To optimize it, it is essential to target the right keywords, answer user questions and create content that is optimized for search.

Google revealed that 40% of young people now primarily use TikTok and Instagram to search.

Understanding the Tik Tok algorithm

TikTok is not technically a search engine, but it has its own algorithm that can be used to find content.

One of the most important aspects of TikTok SEO is understanding your audience. Observe the videos they engage with and the hashtags they use, but also the comments and messages they send you.

-User interactions:

TikTok is based on data from videos that you have liked, sent or watched for several seconds. TikTok takes note of all this data and uses it to determine which videos to show you.

-Video information

Captions, hashtags (on average 5), text on the screen, sounds and music are part of the video information. TikTok searches for videos that contain relevant keywords in their title and description.

Tik Tok SEO Optimization

To optimize your videos, you must first identify the right keywords and add them to the titles, descriptions, captions of your videos, the audio but also in the hashtags.

You can search directly on the platform to see popular searches of the moment:

TikTok marketing

or you can use SemRush to do keyword research, even if SemRush is not made specifically for TikTok you will be able to see the search terms that are most searched for on search engines.

You must also create quality and creative content, which has an impact on the algorithm. TikTok values ​​the quality of content (clear sound and clear image) more than the notoriety of the account.

Optimize your profile, make sure your username is recognizable and works with your brand. Choose an engaging profile photo and write a clear, simple bio that describes your business well.

In conclusion

Your visibility on TikTok is based on several elements including the optimization of your profile, the creation of quality content, the use of relevant keywords and hashtags as well as interaction with your subscribers. Contact us for more digital marketing advice!


Search Engine Optimization

We maximize your organic visibility on search engines with a comprehensive approach to SEO. We combine "On-Page" SEO, optimizing the content and structure of your site, with "Off-Page" SEO, strengthening your online presence through link and influence marketing.

Our expertise extends to Technical SEO for a high-performance and well-ranked site, Local & International SEO to target diverse audiences, and visual media optimization to maximize user engagement and visibility of your content.