Qu’est-ce qu’une audience? - Bofu Agence Marketing Web

What is an audience?

We talk about audience to designate all the visitors to your website.

There are three forms of primary audience:

1. The useful audience which is the part that belongs to your target;

2. Cumulative audience which measures the proportion of people in contact with your brand at least once during a given period;

3. The duplicate audience, which corresponds to the number of unique individuals reached at least once by your message broadcast on several media.

Why is it important to know your audience?

Knowing your audience has a major impact on the SEO of your site, but is also a key element of your marketing strategies . Thanks to the data collected, among others the number of visits, the number of pages consulted and/or the average duration of sessions on your website , you can know the behavior of your visitors over a given period and optimize your marketing campaigns to increase your sales.

Why should you measure the audience of your website?

Understanding your target audience is essential since this information defines every marketing plan and strategy to be executed. For example, running an advertisement during the super-bowl might seem like a great way to get seen by as many people as possible, but it comes with a very high monetary cost and doesn't necessarily guarantee a conversion. In fact, a quarter of viewers would really be interested in your product or service . Knowing that your target audience reads a certain post or watches a certain show means your ad will be seen by fewer people, but by the right people. For example, if you sell running shoes, running magazine ads may be a better fit for your target audience. In short, knowing your audience will allow you to select the right media and thus obtain a better return on investment for your efforts.

Let us help you find and measure your audience to optimize your marketing efforts and increase your conversions. Book your exploratory call.



To increase marketing effectiveness, Bofu should conduct a comprehensive audit of its SEO, SEM, and SMM strategies, focusing on competitive analysis and setting clear objectives.

An SEO content strategy and targeted SEM campaigns are crucial, as is tailoring social media efforts according to audience preferences. With rigorous monitoring and constant adjustments, Bofu can improve its online presence and ROI.