Quand et Pourquoi Envisager une Refonte de Marque - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

When and Why to Consider a Brand Redesign

The business world is constantly changing, and companies must adapt to stay competitive. One of the key strategies for staying relevant is rebranding. But how do you know when it's time to revie...
Refonte de l'image de marque: Les Clés d'une Communication Efficace - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Brand Image Redesign: The Keys to Effective Communication

Rebranding, whether a total overhaul of the visual identity or a minor adjustment, is a crucial step in the life of a company. However, this process is not limited to creating new logos and colo...
Développement d'une Nouvelle Identité Visuelle : L'Art de la Transformation numérique - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Developing a New Visual Identity: The Art of Digital Transformation

When a company decides to review its image and public perception, the development of a new visual identity is often at the heart of this process. This visual transformation, which includes the c...
Stratégies de gestion des risques lors d'une refonte de l'image de marque - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Risk Management Strategies During a Rebrand

Rebranding is a major challenge for businesses, involving significant risks such as loss of customers, uncertain return on investment, and legal complications. This article delves deeper into ...
Refonte de l'image de marque: L’Importance d'évaluer la marque actuelle - Bofu Agence Marketing Web
Image de marque

Rebranding: The Importance of Evaluating the Current Brand

In the age of digital marketing, a comprehensive assessment of the existing brand is essential before initiating a redesign process. This article emphasizes the importance of this assessment, enc...

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L'Engagement de BOFU à faire sa Part: Certification carboneutre Or + engagement avec Carbone boréal et Shopify Planet - Bofu Agence Marketing Web

BOFU's Commitment to Do Its Part: Gold carbon neutral certification + commitment with Carbone boréal and Shopify Planet

We are excited to share our recent carbon neutral Gold certification from LCL Environnement and our participation in the Carbone boréal and Shopify Planet projects. These initiatives reflect our c...
Ergonofis choisit Bofu pour optimiser son positionnement organique sur les moteurs de recherche - Bofu Agence Marketing Web

Ergonofis chooses Bofu to optimize its organic positioning on search engines

Ergonofis, an innovative leader in the field of ergonomic office furniture, continues its SEO journey with Bofu to enhance its search engine positioning. This partnership marks a critical strategi...
Mr. Puffs choisit Bofu en tant qu'agence marketing de référence - Bofu Agence Marketing Web

Mr. Puffs chooses Bofu as its marketing agency of record

Mr. Puffs, the Canadian restaurant chain famous for its traditional Greek donuts "Puffs", is proud to announce its new partnership with Bofu to strengthen and optimize its online presence in Canad...