Restaurants: Tendances marketing numérique en 2024 - Bofu Agence Marketing Web

Restaurants: Digital Marketing Trends in 2024

Omnichannel Advertising Presence

Restaurant chains must adopt an omnichannel advertising presence, with a focus on search engines and social networks. Developing cohesive advertising campaigns across multiple platforms is crucial to effectively reaching the target audience.

Unified Data Monitoring and Dashboards in Real Time

Using real-time dashboards to track unified data is essential. This enables in-depth analysis and rapid decision-making based on up-to-date information.

Artificial intelligence

AI is transforming the way restaurants interact with their customers, from personalizing customer service to optimizing internal operations.

Online Ordering and Delivery Apps

Online ordering through delivery apps continues to grow, requiring effective integration of these platforms into restaurant marketing strategies.

Mobile Applications and Loyalty Programs

Dedicated mobile apps and loyalty programs offer a direct and personalized method to retain customers and encourage repeat visits.

Use and Segmentation of Market and Customer Data

Segmenting market and customer data is vital to effectively targeting marketing campaigns and understanding consumer trends.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation helps manage large-scale campaigns effectively, ensuring marketing messages are consistent and effective.

Community Engagement

Restaurants must actively engage with their online communities, creating engaging content and interacting directly with customers to build a lasting relationship.

Use of User Generated Content (UGC) in Video and Photo

Incorporating user-generated content, including videos and photos, is a powerful strategy to humanize the brand and build engagement. Encouraging customers to share their restaurant experiences on social platforms, and then using that content in marketing campaigns, creates an authentic connection and builds customer trust.




Bofu Agence Marketing Web offre des solutions marketing avancées pour restaurateurs et franchiseurs, incluant des campagnes Google Ads et Meta Ads, l'acquisition de franchisés sur plusieurs plateformes, un SEO optimisé, et des tableaux de bord centralisés.

Nos services incluent également l'implémentation de CRM avec HubSpot, l'automatisation et le suivi des performances, et l'intégration avec UEat et d'autres plateformes de livraison en ligne, permettant une gestion efficace et une optimisation de la présence en ligne des restaurants et franchises.